Jealous Partner:
“How can you be so jealous! You’re being ridiculous.”

"Wailing Sax" by Mimi Stuart
Live the Life you Desire

A jealous partner may have experienced abandonment in his or her life and be easily triggered. Getting angry won’t help the situation.

Try to have compassion. “You sound jealous. I want you to know you are the most important person to me. There is nobody else and there is nobody who compares.”

If jealousy continues to be an ongoing problem without any basis to it, tell the jealous person that the suspicions are hurtful and are causing you to feel defensive and to want to withdraw, and that is not good for the relationship. Ask her to focus on her desires and not her fears in the relationship. Try to be understanding in that this is about her insecurity. While being considerate and reassuring, don’t start constricting your life to pander to her fears, if they are unreasonable.

by Alison Poulsen

Read “Control Kills Passion.”