Falling Out of Love: Two Reasons. “I love her, but I’m not in love with her anymore.”

"Rock" and "Roll" by Mimi Stuart ©
“Rock” and “Roll” by Mimi Stuart ©

When people feel comfortable and secure in their relationship, they often lose desire and passion. Once someone becomes too familiar, the mystery that fuels desire fades.

Why people fall out of love

1.  Criticizing to prevent change

As people come to value the security of their relationship, novelty can feel threatening. Anything new can be met with a negative remark or a roll of the eyes. To make sure that accustomed habits stay the same, people will discourage their partner’s growth. The consequence is that they lose the joy and passion of being in love. Continue reading

Restoring Passion in your Relationship — Four Qualities

"Jazz Night" by Mimi Stuart ©
“Jazz Night” by Mimi Stuart ©

Bringing passion back into your relationship depends on the qualities you bring to the relationship.

1. Vitality

Think of the people you find attractive and desirable. They are probably passionate about the people and pursuits in their lives.

How can you enhance your own life by pushing your own boundaries? For example, would you benefit by becoming more independent, romantic, fun, healthy, or fit? Everybody’s personality, interests, and life journey are different. One person may want to focus on developing Continue reading

Platonic Marriage: “Once you’ve had children, romantic intimacy is not so important anymore.”

"I'll Have What She's Having" — Meg Ryan
by Mimi Stuart, Live the you Desire

So what I really meant was…

“A long-term passionate marriage is more enjoyable and fulfilling than a platonic one. Our relationship and lives will be richer if we keep the passion and sensuality alive.”

If you’re with someone who doesn’t realize how important romantic intimacy is to sustaining a long-term passionate marriage, it’s vital that you have frank discussions together. Let your partner know that it’s important to you to be in a relationship with someone who desires you and who wants to continue to have a passionate relationship.

by Alison Poulsen, PhD

Read “Desire: ‘I’ve got needs but she pretends to be asleep.'”