Saying “Yes.”
“No, I don’t feel like it. I’d rather stay home.”

"Yes!" by Mimi Stuart ©

“Yes!” by Mimi Stuart ©

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the comfort of your favorite routines. Yet when you get into the habit of always saying “no” when others suggest doing something different, you may be narrowing your life and your experiences to the detriment of your vitality and relationship potential.

For example, when you consider inviting friends over for dinner, and decide, “No, I’m not a great cook,” or “No, our house is a mess,” or “No, we hardly know them,” you are letting your anxiety about uncertainty get the better of you. When asked to go ice skating or try a dance class, and you say “No, that’s not my thing, I’m very uncoordinated,” you are letting your fear of discomfort or embarrassment get in the way of an interesting experience, an adventure, or at least a funny story.

Ironically, one of the greatest things about uncertainty is the very thing people don’t like about it: the anxiety it causes. When you feel anxiety because you are doing something new or different, you become more alert and perceptive. Your senses come alive and your mind sharpens. A moderate dose of anxiety is healthy. Moreover, as you make it a habit to face your anxiety, you start to experience it differently; it transforms into the excitement of being alive. You gain confidence in your readiness to respond in the moment even when you don’t know exactly what will happen. So learn to embrace your anxiety!

Another benefit to participating in novel activities with others is that it magnifies the positive emotions you feel for one another. No matter how long you’ve known someone, new experiences enhance your relationship. Therefore, embracing opportunities and the anxiety that go with them helps you both individually and together.

Of course, you shouldn’t say “yes” to everything. You will know which activities are clearly not going to enhance your life in any way. Also, you need to balance the vitality and growth of facing the unknown with the ease and contentment of enjoying the known. When you choose routine, you can relax and be comfortable, which is an important part of life, just as you need sleep each night to restore your mind and body. Yet too much comfort can lead to lethargy, apathy, and boredom. To see how either extreme can be hazardous to your mental, emotional, and physical health, I recommend seeing the entertaining comedy “Yes Man” with Jim Carrey.

So the next time a friend says “Lets go Spelunking,” say “yes,” and just do it!

by Alison Poulsen, PhD

Fear of commitment:
“I like to keep my options open. Something better might come along.”

"Song of Everest" by Mimi Stuart © Live the Life you Desire

“Song of Everest” by Mimi Stuart ©
Live the Life you Desire

Some people are drawn to new and exciting experiences and relationships, and are reluctant to limit their options. Yet when they habitually avoid commitment to keep possibilities open, they may end up with little of value, whether in terms of relationships or a career.

While young, bouncing around and having a variety of experiences can be fun and eye-opening. Yet when individuals continue on the “keeping-my-options-open” path, they may end up distracted, scattered, and drifting. A lifetime of spontaneity and novelty can eventually leave a person feeling empty, shallow, and jaded. Relationships will lack depth and have little meaning. Work may not be enriching. Every moment might be filled with questions such as “What next?” and “What else?”

Youthful or immature?

In mythology, the Puer aeternus represents the eternal child. Fluttering around like a butterfly, this Peter Pan like personality delights in adventures and fears the possibility of being trapped. People who embody the Puer adapt easily to new people and ideas. Yet they can be impulsive, impatient, and have difficulty focusing on a particular direction in life. Magnetic and charming when young, the Puer is emotionally juvenile and un-rooted as he or she gets older.

The continuous need to keep our options open is a choice that limits our lives in a substantial way. By keeping all our options open, we limit ourselves to the superficial. We eliminate certain meaningful experiences from our life, including the experience of a deep and committed relationship as well as dedicated and satisfying work. There are no perfect choices in relationship and in work. But even when marriages and careers don’t work out, at least we haven’t missed out on the richness of trying to live life with depth.

Inner Stillness

The fear of missing out comes from a need for anticipation, excitement, and busyness, which stems from discomfort with being still and present in the moment.

Individuals who fear commitment can best deepen life experience by getting in touch with their inner stillness. Through being able to be still and present to one’s internal voice rather than just to externalities, one can learn to appreciate, enjoy, and feel greater depth in all of the experiences in life without needing as much variety and constant stimulus.

This is not to suggest that we should commit to someone we are not in love with or to work that repels us. Yet by becoming more grounded and centered, we will lose our fear that we will be missing out by limiting our options. Instead, we will find that only by making commitments and choosing directions can we really experience the joy and awe of the simple wonders in life, the feeling of self-empowerment coming from dedication and depth within a field of work, and the strength and potency of a long-term committed relationship.

by Alison Poulsen, PhD

Read “After multiple affairs, he promised he’d never cheat on me again. Can I trust him this time?”

Read “When Facebook erodes real-life relationships: ‘I’m only checking in with friends and seeing what they’re up to.’”

Read “Infidelity: ‘Hoping and wishing my husband would give me the same love he showers on other women over ten years of infidelity.’”