Bragging on a First Date:
“I graduated with honors, won the state championship in tennis, and drive a Ferrari.”

"Capriccio" by Mimi Stuart
Live the Life you Desire

Bragging backfires

People brag in order to impress others. However, reciting your resumé and accomplishments on a first date actually can do the opposite. It suggests that you are compensating for low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. It also attracts people who want you to pull them into a false sense of superiority.

Enjoy the conversation

1. Retain some mystery. It’s actually more impressive and fun to meet someone who remains a mystery and who prefers engaging in conversation rather than in impressing others.

2. Relax. Instead of flashing your credentials and flexing your muscles, relax and be yourself. Be curious without interviewing aggressively. Balance talking and listening.

3. Be honest. If you disagree with an opinion, say so diplomatically.

4. Feel good about yourself. Flirting is healthy—although you don’t need to go overboard.

5. Take it easy. Getting to know someone is like dancing together for the first time. If you jump into your fanciest moves without getting a feel for your dance partner first, you will be dancing on your own.

by Alison Poulsen, PhD

Read “Symptoms of Narcissism.”

“I want to be married by the time I’m 35. I’m going on a first date with a guy I like and want to make sure he knows I’m interested in a serious relationship.”

"Playful" by Mimi Stuart
Live the Life you Desire

Hold on. Instead of making your first date an interview to find the perfect mate, take your time, enjoy the moment, and see how you like each other first.

Putting all your hope in the future with any person, let alone someone you hardly know, scares people away. Excessive zeal for marriage comes across as desperation or being uncomfortable in your own skin.

You might look within yourself and ask what you are hoping to attain through marriage before committing yourself to a man you hardly know.

If you go into a relationship with specific goals that involve status (getting married, having children…), your expectations of fulfillment are likely to be disappointed.

Specific expectations invite disappointment. Have fun,enjoy the moment, and see where it takes you.

by Alison Poulsen, PhD

Read “If only I found the right man to love then I would be happy.”

Read “Too Responsible to Enjoy.”