How to Deal with Negative People

“Muhammad Ali: Float like a Butterfly Sting like a Bee” by Mimi Stuart ©

A negative perso­n who complains or vents a lot can drain the life out of you. Life is short. Often, it’s best to simply detach and enjoy more interesting people or other pursuits.

Sometimes, however, you may want, or need, to have that person in your life because they are family or a co-worker. In those cases, you can’t control the other person, but you can control how you respond to them.

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Ten Reasons Not To Complain: “She is so annoying. I can’t stand it!”

“Celebration!” by Mimi Stuart©

If you want to improve your life it’s important to be able to be assertive and speak your mind. However, if speaking up turns into a habit of complaining, you and those close to you will suffer.

Here are ten reasons not to let complaining become a habit:

1. It’s unattractive. When people complain, they focus on the negative without looking for solutions, and they tend to use a whiny tone of voice, all of which is a turn off.

2. You will push interesting people away. People who complain all the time are boring and tiresome. Continue reading