“I often feel as though something bad is going to happen.”

"Vision" — Ernie Els by Mimi Stuart
Live the Life you Desire

People who frequently have a premonition that something bad will happen often grew up in an environment where bad things occurred on a regular basis. These “bad” things don’t have to be dramatic such as violence or shouting. They might be more subtle, though equally agonizing, such as being ignored or receiving cold glares.

People growing up in such an environment can develop a defense system that keeps them on high alert for danger. This constant vigilance then gets internalized and leads to an ongoing sense of anxiety.

Neuro-plasticity research shows that you can change this high anxiety outlook —by replacing each thought with a reasonable substitute.

So, when you feel that something bad might happen, first check to see if everything is normal and safe. Then, consciously replace the worried thought with a positive thought. Finally add the thought, “Whatever will be will be,” or “Que sera sera.”

If the negative thought pattern is severe and getting in the way of your well-being, a psycho-therapist trained in EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) — an effective treatment for trauma — can often help you change those negative thought patterns.

by Alison Poulsen, PhD

Reference: EMDR Institute, Inc.

Read “I hate feeling so much fear.”

Drunk Driving: “I hate driving with you when you’ve been drinking this much!”

"Into a Dry Martini" by Mimi Stuart
Live the Life you Desire

If your partner or friend who’s been drinking too much insists on driving with you on board, notice your reaction: Do you hesitate because you’re afraid of upsetting the other person and therefore you’d rather comply?

When we’re not aware of the psychological forces that motivate us, they can wreak havoc in our lives. This is a situation where the desire to comply in order to get along can endanger your life.

Accommodating others is reasonable as long as we are not risking harm or motivated to do so by the dread of the anxiety associated with non-compliance. But when acquiescing to pressure compromises your own safety and well-being, it is not worth temporarily appeasing an out-of-control or inebriated person. It does not show respect for oneself or others.

So it’s important to develop the ability to withstand the anxiety of standing up against forceful demands. When an intoxicated person pressures you with “I’m fine; just get in the car,” you don’t need to convince him or her of anything. Walking away and being safe is what’s important.

If the person is really drunk and could endanger others on the road, it takes additional courage to take the keys or call the police. You may save not only someone else’s life, but the drunk driver’s life as well. It’s better for the intoxicated person to go to jail and experience embarrassment than to live with the consequences of having injured or killed someone.

by Alison Poulsen, PhD