How to Handle Manipulation and Guilt Trips

Awaiting Good Fortune-Phil Mickelson by Mimi Stuart©

Remember to Regulate, Relate, and then Reason.

1.  Regulate your emotions.

First, be aware of your own emotional reactions. Do you feel pressured or obliged to do things for a certain person that you would rather not do?  Do you feel angry or resentful? Do you buy into the guilt trip that you are not doing enough or doing it well enough? Do you dread dealing with this person? Continue reading

How to Deal with Negative People

“Muhammad Ali: Float like a Butterfly Sting like a Bee” by Mimi Stuart ©

A negative perso­n who complains or vents a lot can drain the life out of you. Life is short. Often, it’s best to simply detach and enjoy more interesting people or other pursuits.

Sometimes, however, you may want, or need, to have that person in your life because they are family or a co-worker. In those cases, you can’t control the other person, but you can control how you respond to them.

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Five Keys to a Great Relationship: “What can we do to stay in love?”

“I’ll Give You the Moon and the Stars” by Mimi Stuart ©
Live the Life you Desire

Sustaining a fulfilling, long-term relationship is tricky because it requires several essential qualities that may seem contradictory. Most problems in relationships occur because one of these crucial elements is missing or they are out of balance. All five of the following elements are critical in all fulfilling relationships, and particularly in long-term passionate, love relationships.

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Restoring Passion in your Relationship — Four Qualities

"Jazz Night" by Mimi Stuart ©
“Jazz Night” by Mimi Stuart ©

Bringing passion back into your relationship depends on the qualities you bring to the relationship.

1. Vitality

Think of the people you find attractive and desirable. They are probably passionate about the people and pursuits in their lives.

How can you enhance your own life by pushing your own boundaries? For example, would you benefit by becoming more independent, romantic, fun, healthy, or fit? Everybody’s personality, interests, and life journey are different. One person may want to focus on developing Continue reading

Are you trying too hard to get more connection in your relationship?

“Emerald Paula” by Mimi Stuart© Live the Life you Desire

The Pursuer

Pursuers crave connection, assuming that it will satisfy their inner hunger to be seen or loved, but it seldom does. They’re often attracted to emotionally-independent or closed types, which makes it less likely that their need for connection will be met.

Sometimes their pursuit of connection is tainted with an unconscious expectation that they will be disappointed or rejected. This expectation causes them to come across as needy or insecure. Continue reading