Extreme anxiety can lead to mental paralysis or physical illness. It also prevents you from being taken seriously by others. Imagine a doctor, lawyer, or military leader who expresses extreme anxiety when facing an emergency.
Extreme anxiety can lead to mental paralysis or physical illness. It also prevents you from being taken seriously by others. Imagine a doctor, lawyer, or military leader who expresses extreme anxiety when facing an emergency.
“Transcendence” by Mimi Stuart ©
Fear as a signal – it can be lifesaving
Fear is a healthy emotional response that alerts you to potential danger. However, if fear takes control of your life, you can no longer respond to danger effectively.
Three negative consequences when fear turns to panic
1. You become ineffective
Extreme anxiety can lead to mental paralysis or physical illness. It also prevents you from being taken seriously by others. Imagine a doctor, lawyer, or military leader who expresses extreme anxiety when facing an emergency.
We all experience anxiety in times of uncertainty, although some of us will express it or be overwhelmed by it more than others. Appropriate anxiety and fear are important reactions necessary for our survival, as they alert us to potential danger and warn us to pay attention to our physical surroundings or current situation.
Becoming overwhelmed by such emotions, however, is usually counterproductive to good decision making and effective communication with others. Moreover, if you only focus on fear and the worst possible outcome, life can become unbearable.
Bringing passion back into your relationship depends on the qualities you bring to the relationship.
1. Vitality
Think of the people you find attractive and desirable. They are probably passionate about the people and pursuits in their lives.
How can you enhance your own life by pushing your own boundaries? For example, would you benefit by becoming more independent, romantic, fun, healthy, or fit? Everybody’s personality, interests, and life journey are different. One person may want to focus on developing Continue reading
If you want to improve your life it’s important to be able to be assertive and speak your mind. However, if speaking up turns into a habit of complaining, you and those close to you will suffer.
Here are ten reasons not to let complaining become a habit:
1. It’s unattractive. When people complain, they focus on the negative without looking for solutions, and they tend to use a whiny tone of voice, all of which is a turn off.
2. You will push interesting people away. People who complain all the time are boring and tiresome. Continue reading
“Emerald Paula” by Mimi Stuart© Live the Life you Desire
The Pursuer
Pursuers crave connection, assuming that it will satisfy their inner hunger to be seen or loved, but it seldom does. They’re often attracted to emotionally-independent or closed types, which makes it less likely that their need for connection will be met.
Sometimes their pursuit of connection is tainted with an unconscious expectation that they will be disappointed or rejected. This expectation causes them to come across as needy or insecure. Continue reading