Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Preserve the narcissist’s self-image. A true narcissist suffering from narcissistic personality disorder is predominantly concerned with his or her image and lacks …

If someone says, “Did you see all the stuff I did for you today?” ignore your impulse to get defensive or to …

GUEST AUTHOR Sam Vaknin writes: Collectives – especially bureaucracies, such as for-profit universities, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), the army, and government – …

Some people face conflict by becoming overbearing while others become overly accommodating. The key to problem-solving is to get away from focusing …

Next time one of your friends starts talking to you about another friend, you might just ask, “What would you like from …

If you find yourself frequently pursuing intimacy and wondering why the person you’re pursuing seems to back away, your friends may give …

Tiresome and trapped The more you try to analyze and question the status of the relationship, the more he’ll feel trapped rather …

How do you tend to respond to your partner’s benign comments about the weather, the news, or your surroundings? Do you often …

“I met a man online and he was the pursuer. Now I’m pursuing him and he’s distancing. Near the beginning I asked …

Validating others can backfire Ironically, those who depend on another person’s validation to feel secure about themselves are causing their insecurity to …

You have to resist the temptation to dial her number. If she’s told you not to call her anymore, calling her is …