While some sacrifices need to be made in any relationship, giving up what you truly enjoy will only lead to resentment. It …
GUEST AUTHOR Jon Maksik writes: I sometimes joke that in a few millennia humans will have evolved into stooped beasts able only …
Why do some people agonize over saying no? Personality Development Often people cannot say no because they dread disappointing others. As you …
If your sense of identity or well-being depends on what your partner thinks, it’s natural to try to control your partner. Above all, it becomes critical to minimize anxiety and to continue securely in the emotional attachment. Controlling behavior, however, stifles all spontaneity and freshness in a relationship. Continue reading →
Why People Give Compliments Some compliments are more meaningful than others. The best ones are specific, genuine, and address something that requires …
Over the past seven years, I have had the pleasure of responding to many questions and comments from readers of my blog …
“Should I stay with my partner who is impossible to live with? My partner barks orders at me, is rude and condescending, …
Some people claim they want more intimacy, but what they seem to really want is total agreement and constant validation, which are …
Anger as a signal When you feel anger rising in your belly, your subconscious is generally warning you to pay attention and …
Can you have too much empathy? Empathy is often considered to be the source of good behavior. The literal meaning of empathy …
Have you ever felt uneasy when a friend complains about his or her partner? Triangulation involves one person complaining to a third …
“I have always been very, very close with my mom. However, her constant complaining and negative attitude has always taken a huge …