Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Passion Passion is the feeling of exhilaration in the face of mystery. It arises from the heat generated by the intermingling of …

“I know people who seem nice but gossip about me behind my back. They are such hypocrites, it’s depressing. Being confrontational hasn’t …

Empathy can be a wonderful trait if you can choose when and to what degree to be empathetic. The ability to sense, …

Contempt breaks the heart, because it implies that one person considers the other as undeserving of respect. Studies have shown that people …

Helping too much can become burdensome, and ironically, it’s not very helpful to the people for whom you are doing everything. Continue reading

Remember to Regulate, Relate, and then Reason. 1.  Regulate your emotions. First, be aware of your own emotional reactions. Do you feel …

A negative perso­n who complains or vents a lot can drain the life out of you. Life is short. Often, it’s best …

Sustaining a fulfilling, long-term relationship is tricky because it requires several essential qualities that may seem contradictory. Most problems in relationships occur …

Bringing passion back into your relationship depends on the qualities you bring to the relationship. 1. Vitality Think of the people you …

The Pursuer Pursuers crave connection, assuming that it will satisfy their inner hunger to be seen or loved, but it seldom does. …

Have you ever tried to get someone to change who they are? Maybe your partner or a parent or child? Sometimes we …

Always waiting for your partner who's too busy for you? Find out ow to make your relationship more reciprocal. Continue reading