Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Why do some people agonize over saying no? Personality Development Often people cannot say no because they dread disappointing others. As you …

The good thing about “selfish” people is that they take care of themselves — so you don’t have to. They can also …

Over the past seven years, I have had the pleasure of responding to many questions and comments from readers of my blog …

Symptoms of Narcissism There are degrees of narcissism, ranging from excessive self-importance to full-fledged Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD.) For people suffering from …

“My husband gossips about everything and everybody. He even gossips about his daughter to his sister and has the nerve to gossip …

Can you have too much empathy? Empathy is often considered to be the source of good behavior. The literal meaning of empathy …

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the comfort of your favorite routines. Yet when you get into the habit of always saying “no” …

“I have a “growth” mentality and I guess my husband has a “fixed” mentality. I want to grow and change in every …

Being organized, dependable, and creative in planning for the future are wonderful qualities. They allow you to create beauty in the home, …

GUEST AUTHOR SAM VAKNIN writes: Narcissistic Injury Narcissistic injury results from any threat (real or imagined) to the narcissist’s grandiose and fantastic …

Emotional system Every family is an emotional system, where the functioning, behavior and beliefs of each person influence those of the others. …

Deeply-held feelings of inadequacy can cause a person to live with a feeling of shame. Ideally in childhood, we have a parent …