Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

What exactly is the message that you fear sending? “It’s ok to quit something that you no longer want to do?” It …

Parents who use dominance and threats without explanation to get their children to do what they want will probably succeed. Fear works …

Children who repeatedly beg and argue often have parents who respond by begging and arguing back. While children will respect parents who …

Being able to speak up and ask people to do things differently and to ask for help without blaming is absolutely key …

While we don’t need to be severe when we say “no” to our kids, being afraid to disappoint them can cause more …

So what I really meant was… “If you really want it, you can buy it with your own money/allowance. Why don’t you …

Judgment and attacks rarely help people improve their attitude. It’s human nature to stop listening when being criticized (teens in particular). Discussing …

Yelling and anger have their place if you want to get someone’s attention in an emergency, a crisis, or for self-defense. Yet, …

So what I really meant was… “That must have hurt. Come on. Let’s go clean up this cut.” by Alison Poulsen, PhD …

Children who grow up to be narcissistic adults seek praise as addicts seek their drug of choice—in increasing quantities from anyone who …

Parents often disagree on how to raise their children, which can easily turn into a running battle of wills. In most cases, …

So what I really meant was… “I’d love to talk to you. Just give me 15 minutes to finish this project/write this …