Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Children of narcissistic parents grow up to become either sensitized or desensitized to narcissistic behaviours, traits, and personalities. In adulthood, sensitized offspring …

When your child (or anyone else) admits to doing something wrong, it is very tempting to be angry and say, “What did …

Teenagers generally experience a roller coaster of emotions, feeling superior and independent one moment, then discouraged and needy the next, resulting in …

But what about narcissistic or psychopathic children, children suffering from conduct disorder, or oppositional defiant disorder? Donovan, 16 years old, is incapable …

Even with the best of intentions, when you parent in reaction to your own parents, you often go too far to the …

Parental neglect or abuse can cause a child to toughen up, but often at the expense of the child shutting down feelings …

Having a newborn can put a lot of stress on a relationship. Understandably, most of your focus is on the baby rather …

Loving vs. Yearning Having suffered rejection by your parent, it’s understandable that you would fear becoming a mean, rejecting parent yourself, and …

Your child is likely to come across all kinds of people in his future. Some of them will be abusive, narcissistic, or …

Many of today’s teenagers and young adults are smart and knowledgeable, but lack direction and self-sufficiency. Moreover, young adults who live at …

No parent likes hearing that their children are angry at them, particularly when they work hard to raise them. However, it is …

So what I really meant was… “Why don’t you talk to the other driver and see if the passengers are okay. I’ll …