Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Guest Author Sam Vaknin writes: The narcissist regards his disabled or challenged child as an insult, a direct challenge to his self-perceived …

“My very close relationship with my son who is now 22 changed when he changed schools in 9th grade when he dramatically …

“My son is 20 and we are having a great deal of trouble with his selfish behavior. He stays at home and …

“When my son was two, his dad went to prison due to his strong drug addiction. Because I felt so sorry for …

Validating others can backfire Ironically, those who depend on another person’s validation to feel secure about themselves are causing their insecurity to …

I have gotten to the point now that I cannot even handle a phone call from my 80 year old father. I …

Guest Author Sam Vaknin writes: If you are a rebellious child or teenager and you have not been diagnosed with Conduct Disorder, …

It’s normal for parents to want to connect with their kids. Asking questions or wanting to give advice may be the way …

Fear is an important emotion that signals there is potential danger. Being aware of danger makes it possible for us to protect …

It turns out the greatest indicator of success is not IQ, family wealth, good looks, or artificially-induced “self-esteem,” but something Angela Lee …

Some parents will try anything to stop a child’s fussiness or crying. These parents are often responding to their own anxiety more …

Except in rare cases, children instinctively know when and how much they need to eat. Telling a child to finish dinner is …