Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Helping too much can become burdensome, and ironically, it’s not very helpful to the people for whom you are doing everything. Continue reading

Does it feel as though your partner is often trying to prove that he or she is a better parent than you …

Some couples deal with their own chronic anxiety by focusing on one of their children. The family projection process, as Psychologist Murray …

While it’s nice to say, “You’re terrific” or “You’re so smart,” there are much better, more meaningful ways to compliment a person. …

In the presence of close family members we often revert back to the way we were when we were children. We may …

When money is used to reward children for activities that should have inherent value, they tend to lose interest in the activity …

GUEST AUTHOR Jon Maksik writes: I sometimes joke that in a few millennia humans will have evolved into stooped beasts able only …

“I feel terrible about not being able to buy my kids what their friends have. But I can’t afford to buy them …

Guest Author Dr. Jennifer Freed writes: Parents often seek their validation from the wrong source — their children. The pure unconditional love …

GUEST AUTHOR Jon Maksik writes: A cynical colleague once cautioned me about using the word “failure” when discussing children. “Challenge,” he said …

Parents who praise their children too much, give constant advice, ask too many questions, or joke around all the time are not …