Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

While it’s nice to say, “You’re terrific” or “You’re so smart,” there are much better, more meaningful ways to compliment a person. …

Two people with different opinions can have an effective discussion if they listen to each other and speak in a way that …

My boyfriend treats me with contempt and lies to me. He is texting, calling, and attempting to meet up with his ex …

In the presence of close family members we often revert back to the way we were when we were children. We may …

In a good long-term relationship, curiosity, interest, fun and desire thrive because there is adequate independence in the relationship. Here are some …

So what I really meant was… “Let’s go dancing!” Exaggeration and blame make a person feel defensive instead of accommodating. Self-pity is …

While I am all for the right person, happiness, and love, it’s more likely that you will experience all three if you …

Click on the picture below to watch the short video: Malicious gossip is negative and brings everyone down. This video includes several …

Cheerfulness is a powerful emotion, which is similar to gratitude but more forward looking. It is a can-do attitude of making the …

When money is used to reward children for activities that should have inherent value, they tend to lose interest in the activity …

I failed my way to success. ~Thomas Edison People often lack the courage to take initiative because they fear failure or rejection. …

Don’t Trust a Narcissist Avoid seeking a trusting intimate relationship with a narcissist. If you decide to enjoy the narcissist’s charm and …