Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Sometimes a trip or special date can bring back the energy and romance of a relationship. Yet, it’s the totality of your …

So… what I really meant was… “Let’s spend some time together. I know you love surfing and I don’t want to take …

So… what I really meant was… “I loved it when we hugged and you kissed me the other day. I love your …

GUEST AUTHOR SAM VAKNIN WRITES: One partner loves to love, the other loves to be loved. Both partners are takers, both objectify …

Too much pursuit comes off as neediness. This doesn’t mean that you should pretend not to care, but that you must resist …

When someone drives you crazy, yet you can’t stand the idea of being apart, then you are probably too emotionally fused with …

Fear of being alone Underlying most controlling behavior is a fear of being left alone, physically or emotionally. A person’s reactivity and …

Trust is developed over time by observing a person’s behavior. A good indicator of trustworthiness is a person’s ability to resist immediate …

Separate vacations may, indeed, signify the beginning of the end of your relationship – or serve as a boost to its quality …

Being compliant vs being desirable. When desire takes a back seat! The fear of being alone causes some people to pursue the …

Long-term intimate relationships bring out a person’s strengths and weaknesses and therefore can offer tremendous opportunities for growth. Development of personality traits …

Romantic relationships with intimate partners (significant others) are comprised of three components: I. Mate Selection (Choice) II. Relationship Model or Hypothesis III. …