Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

“I never expected to come first even on a weekly basis, but it was tiring to NEVER be a priority in my …

The best way to approach your boyfriend as a Distancer so that he recognizes the beauty of the connection is to enjoy …

“Alison, I met a spectacular woman a few months ago. But then began her impulsivity, changeable moods and rage outbursts against me. …

GUEST AUTHOR SAM VAKNIN writes: The Lifestyle involves sexual acts performed by more than two participants whether in the same space, or …

You have given your boyfriend too much power in the relationship. By anxiously waiting to accommodate his desires and his schedule, you …

“I was diagnosed with cancer and my relationship fell into the Pursuer/Distancer dynamic. I needed more and more support, care, and demonstration …

A relationship is made up of the totality of interactions between two people. All the fleeting moments, glances, words, and focus of …

Responsibility for another’s wellbeing People who put excessive energy into trying to make others happy tend to lose their sense of self …

Your primary goal should be to go about your life with a sense dignity and self-respect. This means doing the following: 1. …

You need to have the courage to speak your mind to your friend, but you can do so in a positive and …

“I am separated from my husband because I have reasons not to trust him. Also, despite my complaints, he is online texting …