Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Physical health and balance First make sure that your lifestyle is healthy. Lack of sleep, too much sugar, alcohol, drugs or medications, …

Being organized, dependable, and creative in planning for the future are wonderful qualities. They allow you to create beauty in the home, …

Brain research shows that happiness is more closely related to our state of mind than to our external circumstances. We filter life …

Responsibility for another’s wellbeing People who put excessive energy into trying to make others happy tend to lose their sense of self …

Rumination Have you spent too many sleepless nights or distressing days dwelling on bad feelings and experiences of the past? Rumination is …

Watch “7 keys to a great relationship” by clicking on the title or picture below: This video illustrates seven essential requirements of …

Research shows that most of the pleasure derived from traveling is experienced in the planning and anticipation of the trip.* Planning a …

Anxiety is part of being human. Yet most people feel uncomfortable with anxiety; so they tend to attach it to something external …

Sometimes we impulsively focus on the negative, perpetuating our view of ourselves as victims lacking influence over our own life and attitude. …

When you’re unhappy, you tend to target those closest to you. When you feel depressed and anxious, it’s easy to conclude that …

Where’s the enjoyment when we swing between gluttony and self-denial? Self-Discipline or Self-Denial? Self-discipline and controlling your impulses are two of the …

It’s natural to compare ourselves to others — to see how we are doing and how we could do better. We can …