Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

I have gotten to the point now that I cannot even handle a phone call from my 80 year old father. I …

“Hi Alison, My boyfriend broke up with me last week. He was always a little suspicious because I started seeing him before …

People react to conflict, anxiety and disapproval in different ways. Some people become bossy and directive, some get angry and attack others, …

So… what I really meant was… “I see your point. Please don’t withdraw. Should we take a break?” Or “I don’t want …

While it’s fine to defend yourself, it’s important not to act defensively. That merely triggers more attacks. If someone is unreasonable or …

Given that he left you, your calling him is unlikely to bring him back. He is more likely to come back if …

It may be inappropriate to leer at others, especially when you are in a relationship. Yet it is healthy and normal to …

So what I really meant was… “I’d be happy to consider doing that for you if you would speak to me respectfully.” …

Arguing to get a person’s attention It’s natural to want emotional contact with your partner or friend. If you find it difficult …

Maintain perspective. People who become volatile in close relationships often do so as a result of taking other people’s behavior too personally. …

When someone drives you crazy, yet you can’t stand the idea of being apart, then you are probably too emotionally fused with …

Fear of being alone Underlying most controlling behavior is a fear of being left alone, physically or emotionally. A person’s reactivity and …