Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

There are times when “distancing” — seeking more space between partners — is the best thing you can do for the relationship, …

While some sacrifices need to be made in any relationship, giving up what you truly enjoy will only lead to resentment. It …

It would be a miracle to find another person to whom you’re attracted and who shares the same expectations and attitude toward …

Relationship break ups can be extremely painful because of the feelings of rejection, loneliness, fear of the unknown, and even be a …

Assumptions are the termites of relationship. ~Henry Winkler When someone seems cold toward you, don’t assume the worst. It’s a pity to …

If your sense of identity or well-being depends on what your partner thinks, it’s natural to try to control your partner. Above all, it becomes critical to minimize anxiety and to continue securely in the emotional attachment. Controlling behavior, however, stifles all spontaneity and freshness in a relationship. Continue reading

People who live with a sense of deep shame can become consumed by despair as a result of feeling flawed and unworthy. …

Should you push your partner to stop pursuing their passions? People often push their partner to stop pursuing their interests in favor …

Over the past seven years, I have had the pleasure of responding to many questions and comments from readers of my blog …

“Should I stay with my partner who is impossible to live with? My partner barks orders at me, is rude and condescending, …

Anger as a signal When you feel anger rising in your belly, your subconscious is generally warning you to pay attention and …

GUEST AUTHOR Dr. Jennifer Freed with Molly Green writes: The dissolution of any romantic relationship is invariably painful: At its worst, it …