Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

So what I really meant was… “How much will this matter in two weeks or a year from now?” Keep things in …

1) Learn another language (people with multiple languages are more employable.) 2) Volunteer especially at a place where you will learn a …

Why wait for inspiration? It may never come. In any event, it comes more often to people who work hard. Such people …

So what I really meant was… “Now don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story!” People often like …

In “Re-Visioning Psychology,” James Hillman describes a new way of looking at psychological symptoms and pathology. He views them as giving one …

Feelings are warning signals to look at things differently or to change a particular course of action. However, magnifying your emotions can …

There are many good things about being active and working hard. Yet, some people display a mania in the busy-ness of their …

Negative emotions often indicate that what we are doing is not working for us. They signify that we need to become more …

Disappointment is the feeling of unhappiness caused when your hopes or expectations are not realized. You feel let down because of the …

So what I really meant was… “Perspective changes everything. I’m going to stop complaining, change my attitude, and see what happens.” I …

Questions about getting married, getting a “real” job, or how the divorce is going can be awkward at family gatherings. It’s helpful …

So what I really meant is… “I’m going to spend time with people who enrich my life.” Time is valuable. The people …