Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Most of us want to live a long (and happy) life. But who wants to get old! Neither you, nor I. Since …

Errors, mistakes, and failures are part of the life experience. Without them we will never achieve success. Spending inordinate time and energy …

Emotions of sadness and grief often expose the depth of a person’s feelings of loss, love, or longing. Cutting off those feelings …

Whether you have two left feet on the dance floor, do something clumsy, or say something embarrassing, it’s incredibly liberating to develop …

A trip out of town can ease pressure and be re-invigorating. Yet an overpowering desire to get away from it all – …

What is the Good Life? Is it freedom from want, or freedom to do as we please? Is it leisure, status or …

So what I really meant was… “I will become a great pilot.” Whatever unfairness a person faces, one part of overcoming it …

Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality, which guarantees the others. ~Aristotle Courage is the mental or …

Intimacy requires letting yourself be known, and this requires knowing yourself and accepting yourself, ordinariness and all. To have a fulfilling relationship, …

Excerpt from Chapter 15 of “The Untethered Soul”: The The Path of Unconditional Happiness. The highest spiritual path is life itself. If …

So what I really meant was… “It’s the thought that counts. If I can’t exchange it, at least I’ll be ready for …

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. ~Winston Churchill Realistic optimism — that …