Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

Talking about your ex in a disparaging way is tedious and draining to others and reflects poorly on you as a person. …

Click on the picture below to watch the short video: Attacking someone is not a good way to motivate someone to help …

So what I really meant was… “I need to figure out how to take care of my back so that it heals. …

So what I really meant was… “What is the most important thing I need to do? I’ll start there.” Life is too …

Fear of failure Most coaches are more disappointed by people’s embarrassment and fear of failure than by their inability to perform well …

Many people get a rush out of rushing and squeezing extra tasks into every minute of the hour. I personally have found …

We often dwell on specific, painful and negative events from our childhood. “My mom passed out from drinking every night.” “My dad …

While judging too harshly or quickly may be harmful to you and your relationships, being discerning and making quick judgments is a …

Minor forms of mental or physical toxicity all contribute to unhappiness and suffering. When your physical chemistry is askew or your thinking …

Changing negative judgmental thinking into positive, though realistic, thinking changes the way you experience life and the people around you. Once you …

Anxiety is part of being human. Yet most people feel uncomfortable with anxiety; so they tend to attach it to something external …

So what I really meant was… “I’ll just enjoy our time together and not worry about where this goes.” Worrying about whether …