Couples Solutions

Better Communication Better Relationships

Couples Solutions

It is not surprising that people who expect things to turn out well report themselves happier and under less psychological stress than …

Physical health and balance First make sure that your lifestyle is healthy. Lack of sleep, too much sugar, alcohol, drugs or medications, …

Deeply-held feelings of inadequacy can cause a person to live with a feeling of shame. Ideally in childhood, we have a parent …

Fear as a signal – it can be lifesaving Fear is a healthy emotional response that alerts you to potential danger. But …

Think of how little anxiety you experience when you are comfortably on your couch watching TV. Now imagine that you are going …

It is not easy to change old habits, but it can be done. Research shows that people who are successful in developing …

Brain research shows that happiness is more closely related to our state of mind than to our external circumstances. We filter life …

Research shows that having stress is healthier than having little or no stress at all, as long as you have some control …

How do you react when your flight gets canceled, a friend doesn’t show up, or your dinner burns to a crisp? What …

Einstein learned to speak late, at the age of four. Bill Gates’ first business venture failed. Walt Disney got fired for his …

Rumination Have you spent too many sleepless nights or distressing days dwelling on bad feelings and experiences of the past? Rumination is …

Perfectionism is an imperfect way to live The desire to excel encourages achievement. However, when aspiring for excellence turns into the pursuit …