Desire & Desirability
Transform the Pursuer/Distancer Dynamic into a Mutual Loving Relationship
Have you ever been in a relationship where one person wants more connection and the other needs more space? This relationship pattern creates a Pursuer/Distancer dynamic, which can be extremely frustrating and ultimately destroys a relationship.
Whether you are the Pursuer desiring more intimacy or the Distancer seeking more independence, this book gives you the insight to change your understanding and your perspective, and the power to transform your behavior and your relationship.
So…what I REALLY meant…
Better Communication Better Relationships
This book is a collection of over 200 examples of how you can transform common yet ineffective thoughts and statements into effective and productive communication. Often you simply need to reorient your thinking and rework the way you express yourself. Each example includes a brief psychological explanation and illustrates the skills needed to communicate successfully.
When you broaden your perspective and fine-tune your communication skills, you can transform your life and improve the quality of your relationships.
It can work for you
Appropriate anxiety and fear are necessary reactions for our survival, alerting us to potential danger in our current or future situation. We all expect anxiety in new or challenging circumstances. However, some people become overwhelmed by anxiety more easily than others.
Whether anxiety is healthy or unhealthy depends on how anxiety impacts you and how you view it. Some people focus intensely on their anxiety, allowing it to dominate their psyche, which may result in the impairment of their daily functioning and lives. Some accept it as par for the course and work through it, while others may actually embrace it, viewing it as the energy that accompanies the challenges and changes in their lives. Anxiety becomes less overwhelming when you learn how it can work for you.