Are you trying too hard to get more connection in your relationship?

“Emerald Paula” by Mimi Stuart© Live the Life you Desire

The Pursuer

Pursuers crave connection, assuming that it will satisfy their inner hunger to be seen or loved, but it seldom does. They’re often attracted to emotionally-independent or closed types, which makes it less likely that their need for connection will be met.

Sometimes their pursuit of connection is tainted with an unconscious expectation that they will be disappointed or rejected. This expectation causes them to come across as needy or insecure. Continue reading

Change your Expectations instead of Trying to Change Others

“Quantum” by Mimi Stuart©

Have you ever tried to get someone to change who they are? Maybe your partner or a parent or child?

Sometimes we cling to unrealistic hopes and fantasies. The reality is nobody has all the qualities you want, and people don’t change very much.

Ultimately, you only have control over yourself! Facing reality often means changing your expectations, your situation, or your relationship status. Continue reading