“I just want to get away from it all.”

"Magnificent Desolation" — Buzz Aldrin
by Mimi Stuart © Live the Life you Desire

A trip out of town can ease pressure and be re-invigorating. Yet an overpowering desire to get away from it all – driven by the pressures of everyday life – often indicates a failure to set adequate boundaries.

A strong desire to flee might signal that it is time to think about

• how you are giving too much of yourself,
• which people you’d like to say “no” to, and
• which projects you’d like to limit in your life.

A strong desire to flee might signal that it is time to determine

• what you need more of in your life, such as rest or enjoyment,
• which people you’d like to spend more time with, and
• what pursuits you’d like to add to your life.

Consider how to achieve these changes effectively, by

• expressing your choices to limit activities with clarity, tact, and consideration,
• taking the initiative to add desired people and pursuits into your life, and
• continuing to reassess and respect your own needs, desires, and comfort zone.

By tuning into feelings of irritation early and readjusting the choices you make, you are less likely to get fed up and want to run away from it all. Sometimes, however, a break is just what is needed to get revitalized and to contemplate in leisure the changes you would like to make in your life.

by Alison Poulsen, PhD

Read “Setting Boundaries.”

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